Astrid Koppehele grew up in a medium-sized city in the former West-Germany. After majoring in German and English Language and Literature, she went on to study Business and Tourism, which allowed her to live and work as an international nomad for many years. She spent most of her life moving coast to coast in the US and in Canada, as well as a remote island in Southeast Asia, before settling in Mexico. Today, her and her wife, divide their time between a small, colonial town and the west coast of Mexico, and would say she truly lives, when near the Pacific Ocean.

Her poetic journey began as a form of exploration of the resilience of her own mind, by illuminating some of the darkest corners of her life. Her first full-length poetry collections, published in their English original, include Getting off the Merry-Go-Round and Burial by the Sea.

With her third release Volkswagen, which was first published in Spain in late 2023, Astrid Koppehele has written a raw staging of survival in the context of domestic violence and abuse in her childhood home.

Exploring her upbringing in her mother tongue, she collaborated closely with her Spanish translator, and in deep conversations, expanded her poetry and connotations of violence, and through that process continued to add richness to the innate chemistry of discovery between languages.

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