Volkswagen offers a heartfelt testament to the resilience of the human spirit,
as Astrid Koppehele has written a raw staging of survival in the context of domestic violence and childhood trauma. Koppehele allows things and artifacts of the middle class of Germany in the 1970’s to become individually and meticulously, the witnesses and protagonists of her history.

As a lifeline for anyone who has ever grappled with the scars of their past, this collection serves as a reminder,that poetry can be a potent tool for processing and overcoming the darkest of experiences.

Exploring her upbringing in her mother tongue with grace, courage and candor, she collaborated closely with her Spanish translator, and in deep conversations, expanded her poetry and connotations of violence, and through that process continued to add richness to the innate chemistry of discovery between languages.

First Edition Sold Out!

We are working hard to restock. Please send us a message via the Contact form to be added to the waiting list.

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